Obama wants Stimulus Jr. – M66/M67 style

by NW Spotlight

The Hill reported yesterday that President Obama wants to pay for his $447 billion ‘jobs’ bill by “raising taxes on the wealthy and businesses.” That should sound very familiar to Oregonians – it sounds just like what we heard the public employee unions say when they were selling Oregonians on Measures 66 & 67.

Purely for the political theater of it, $3 billion of Obama’s $447 billion Stimulus Jr. would come from changing the way corporate jets depreciate. As has been noted earlier, this is a flip-flop for Obama on his corporate-jet owner tax break.

The Hill also notes that the White House is still refusing to say how many jobs the Stimulus Jr. package would create.

The editorial board at the The New Hampshire Union Leader had this to say on how much good Stimulus Jr. measures would do towards creating jobs: “We already have the answer: They were tried in the first stimulus bill. And yet our unemployment rate remains above 9 percent. President Obama simply doesn’t understand how employment happens.”
