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Bend City Council sticks public in eye with political Peace Bridge

Liberals may not be good at winning wars or balancing budgets but they are excellent at political platitudes as in the case of Bend City Council renaming thier Portland Avenue Bridge as the official Peace Bridge as reported by KTVZ [1].

Here is the resolution that went with the bridge:

“Whereas, apathy and intolerance on the part of a disillusioned public is contrary to the public good, and

Whereas, several Bend community groups have organized to promote and advance nonviolent communication and peaceful conflict resolution, thereby fostering the renewal of confidence and hope, and

Whereas, nonviolent peacemaking has been shown to be an effective means of bridging the divides that separate individuals, families, neighbors, and communities;

Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved that the City Council of Bend, Oregon hereby proclaims the Portland Avenue Bridge be designated the “Peace Bridge of Bend,” so that this public structure, built to bridge physical divides, may now come to symbolize our collective will to bridge our human divides; this for the benefit of our children and their children, that they may grow to understand peaceful resolution of conflict takes patience, and courage, and a desire to foster tolerance and celebrate diversity in our community.”

This was removed from the originalk draft =”Whereas, fear and distrust resulting from the increasingly polarized tone of public discourse has eroded public confidence and the common will to resolve contentious issues”

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