Vote Worst Politician: Kitzhaber, Cogen, Crew?

kitzhaber-cogen-crewBy Taxpayer Association of Oregon

The 13th Annual Taxpayer Awards nominees are in!  You can see the ballot here.

For over a dozen years Oregon taxpayers have been voting for the state’s worst politician to honor them with the horrible credit they have worked so hard to earn.  This year we have a heated race between Governor Kitzhaber, the “Vacation King” Rudy Crew and the recently resigned County Chair Jeff Cogen.  The Pork Barrel Project Award nominees pit the Columbia River Crossing Bridge (CRC) against Oregon Obamacare ads and against $40 Million government employee travel junkets. What horrible choices we have to choose from!

Categories include:
– Worst Politician,
– Worst Pork Barel Project
– Bureaucratic Bungler Award
– Golden Schnoz Award

All Taxpayer Association of Oregon supporters receive a ballot in the mail.  This year we are opening up the ballots online so people can become a $9.00 sponsor and vote in this very important awrad program.

You can see the ballot here.


