Executive Club: Drivers License Referendum

Jim Ludwick,

Founder and Communications Director,
Oregonians for Immigration Reform
Executive Club Meeting
7:00 pm • Wednesday November 6th
Portland Airport Shilo Inn
( Note the corrected start time! )

OFIR launched a referendum petition on the drivers license to illegal aliens in Oregon. After careful gathering and filtering, 70,973 signatures were submitted, and sampling declared the submission 93.5% valid. The Secretary of State was not happy, and tossed another 9.4% of signatures “just because.” But even after such rash discarding of signatures, there were STILL enough to qualify the petition.Jim will tell us about OFIR’s 13-year battle to reform immigration law, to give greater respect to the seemingly-forgotten citizen. Join us for an informative evening!
~ ~ ~
Portland Airport Shilo Inn ~~ 11707 Northeast Airport Way
Bring a friend! ~~ $20 buffet option ~~ no host bar
And of course, the cigar room, afterward
