Mother of Murder Victim: Repeal HB 3508

Mother of Murder Victim Pleads to Oregon Legislators: Repeal “Earned Time” Section of New Law (HB 3508)
The following letter was sent to Oregon Catalyst and also featured in the The Register Guard, Eugene, 12-29:

Repeal “˜earned time’ law
By Janyce Iturra, Eugene

On Dec. 30 Mary Thompson, “The Gang Mom,” one of Oregon’s most notorious murderers, will have the opportunity under a new Oregon law, House Bill 3508, to receive another 10 percent off her sentence for planning the murder of my son, Aaron, and attempting to cover her crime. Thompson ordered two gang members to kill him. They crept into my home and shot Aaron execution style while he slept. Even after 15 years, I think about it every day.

What were the legislators thinking? Sen. Floyd Prozanski, a chief architect of this law, believes it’s the responsible way to cut costs; it’s not. It’s not fair to re-victimize people whose lives already are shattered. It is not responsible to let violent criminals out early. When my son was killed, I was sentenced to life without him. I never will get a reduction from that sentence. I would give anything to have just 10 more minutes with Aaron, especially now during the holidays, a time that includes his birthday.

I detest being dragged into court years later, after the raw wound has scabbed over, only to have it ripped off. The voters of Lane County should be aware of the increase in crime and the new victimizations brought on by legislators who supported the additional 10 percent “earned time.” I ask Oregonians to join me in urging their legislators to repeal this law in the February special session.
