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Early Legislature Turkey Bills

dog-logo-stamp [1]By Taxpayer Association of Oregon
OregonWatchdog.com [2]

Below are some early bills that are either turkeys, curiosities or new layers of bureaucracy.

HB 2625 [3]Creates crime to park in alternative fuel parking spot.  While some parking fines are $20 this one hits $250.
Hb 2641 [4]A crime to chase an animal?  New laws regarding animal as prizes which include forbid chasing of animals.  Penalties as high as $2,500.
HB 2762 [5]Ban on certain foam plates in school lunches
SB 99 – Abolishes Daylight Savings Time
HB 2728 [6]Creates new government bureaucracy of a 21 member “Oregon Talent Council” & new government fund to help economic development in Oregon.   Bill forbids duplication of existing government services like say…. the existing $450 million Business Development Department & their 135 employees.


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