Kitzhaber conflicted over response to Chris Dudley budget plan

Kitzhaber conflicted over response to Chris Dudley budget plan
By NW Spotlight

Unlike many governor candidates in the past, Republican candidate Chris Dudley came out this week and offered his 26-point plan to help restore Oregon’s budget (see Dudley plan here). The Oregonian said of Kitzhaber’s response to Chris Dudley’s 26 point plan, “Kitzhaber said Friday that he had not yet seen Dudley’s proposal and added, “I couldn’t tell you what we’re going to do.”. This begs the question on what can and what will Kitzhaber do? Kitzhaber is used to the old style politics of calling for headline grabbing public meetings to discuss problems instead of actually calling for solutions.

The current governor Kulongoski has thrown out the problem with his alarming $10.3 billion deficit report. How Kitzhaber responds will be a defining moment. The problem is that Oregonians are not used to hearing solutions on the campaign trail – especially from Dr. No Kitzhaber.

Please offer your prediction on how Kitzhaber might respond to the Dudley plan.
