A Note From the Incoming Editor

Dear Readers

Thank you so much for your dedication in following the Oregon Catalyst over the past 11 years.

When it first appeared on the scene, Catalyst was one of many Oregon political blogs. Over the past decade, most of these sites have disappeared. Just like the American dream, hard work (and a little good fortune) has made it possible for Oregon Catalyst to stand the test of time.

In the short term, there will be few changes. Larry Huss and Cascade Policy Institute will continue to publish on a weekly basis. We are welcoming Jacob Vandever from Oregon Upstart as a new, weekly contributor. I will continue to work hard on bringing in high quality, conservative writers to write interesting content. If you’re interested in contributing, you can visit our How to Submit a Guest Column page.

I have long term plans and dreams for Catalyst, which I will share when they are ready.

I want the current community and new readers to know that I appreciate your input. If you feel that something about Catalyst should stay the same or be changed, you can reach out to me . I can be reached on Twitter with short thoughts (@rwknopp) or by email for longer thoughts ([email protected]).

I looking forward to 2017 and beyond here at Oregon Catalyst.

Reagan Knopp
Incoming Editor-in-chief
Oregon Catalyst
