Rep. Esquivel: Anti-gun rights bill passes House.

by Oregon State Representative Sal Esquivel

I would like to thank everyone for their emails regarding Senate Bill 719.  Our office received approximately 2500 emails – Vote NO emails. As you know I am a very dedicated Second Amendment advocate – I can only hope that the majority party received as many or more Vote NO emails as I did.

The bill passed on the House Floor yesterday – 31-29 fear it will pass – that was my worst fear. The conservatives just do not have the numbers to stop the majority party – and your majority party for the most part votes how they are told to vote.
Each of you might give it one more try – the bill will be on the Governor’s desk for signature.
Let her know how you value your Second Amendment rights and that this bill does nothing to protect people.

Yours truly,
Representative Sal Esquivel
