Tax Alert! Cell-Phone Tax up for a vote

By Taxpayer Association of Oregon,

HB 2075 is a new cell phone tax.    Lawmakers seek to expand the encroaching reach of the E-911 tax to cover pre-paid cell phone users and VoIP users (Voice over Internet Protocol).    Those who buy prepaid cell phones are often the lowest income Oregonians and those trying to save every penny they can.   Why are we heaping a tax on these low income Oregonians and the cost-savings companies that have built a helpful market appealing to them?    The politicians are putting this 75-cent monthly tax to 911 services and extolling the emergency need of the fund.   Yet the politicians have swept more than $20 million from the E-911 fund over the past years.   The explosion of cell-phone use has grown the fund quite healthy which makes the reason behind this tax just another tax grab by politicians.

Tell your lawmaker No Cell Phone Tax Increases!

Call 1-800-332-2313 and ask to speak to your State Representative

Find your lawmaker online here

The bill is up for a committee hearing tomorrow.  Thurs.-March 17th, 8:00 A.M. HR A. HB 2075.  So please act soon.

We can’t tax our way out of a recession, but we can tax our way deeper if we don’t stop.

— Read the actual cell-phone tax bill HB 2075 here
