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Lars Larson: Emails show Sarah Palin is bright, writes better than Obama


by Lars Larson [2]

I’m sick and tired of all those people who say that Sarah Palin isn’t very bright; and finally I’ve got the proof that she is bright.

You know all those folks in the left-wing media who say that Sarah Palin isn’t very smart? You know it really got started with Saturday Night Live making fun of the Governor. I’ve interviewed her plenty of times, before she became a national figure, and after. The fact is, she’s awfully smart.

They don’t like the fact that she didn’t go to an Ivy League school. They don’t like the fact that she’s a working mom with a happy marriage and happy kids as well. They especially don’t like the fact that she didn’t abort her baby, because that’s what they would’ve done.

Well now that everyone’s gone through her emails, you know what they found out? They’ve discovered that she writes at a better level than even President Obama does. President Obama’s famous “Yes, we can” victory speech; it came in with a writing level of 7.4. Sarah Palin’s emails come in at 8.5, when you grade them according to the rules of the English language. Take that left-wing media.


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