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Poll: good news for GOP

From Moore Information [1];

Potential GOP Message for 2010:Balance is Important: “Some people say it’s important to vote to elect more Democrats to Congress to help support President Obama and his policies and to allow Democrats to implement their agenda. Other people say that Democrats are already in control of the White House, the Senate and the House of Representatives and we should vote for Republicans for Congress to help keep a check and balance on President Obama and the Democrats in Congress. Which statement comes closest to your own view?”

The American Voter Still Believes in Smaller, Less Intrusive Government

“In general, do you think government should be bigger and do more, or do you think government should be smaller and do less?”

– 54% of Independents would opt to elect Republicans to keep a check and balance on the Democrats, while just 20% of Independents think it’s more important to elect Democrats

– 28% of Democrats think it’s more important to elect Republicans to provide a check and balance while just

-57% of Democrats think it’s more important to elect Democrats to help the president with his programs

-83% of Republicans opt for the check and balance their party provides

Even among those who approve of the job the President is doing, only 50% say we should elect more Democrats to help him, while one-third (33%) of these voters would prefer a Republican to provide a check and balance on him

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