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Dissociative Tendencies of President Obama

Right From the Start [1]

Right From the Start

There is a dissociative element to President Barack Obama. It occurs between what he says and what he does contemporaneously, between what he says in scripted remarks and unscripted responses made contemporaneously, between what he says is fact and what he knows is fact, and between what he says and what he claims to have said.

One of the most recent and disturbing displays of this was two weeks ago when Mr. Obama appeared before the press corps to somberly express his sympathy for the family of the recently slain journalist James Foley and to be photographed shortly thereafter laughing it up with his friends on the golf course at Martha’s Vineyard. Even after weeks of criticism Mr. Obama failed to find fault in his conduct but allowed that the “optics” were inappropriate.

But it isn’t just an isolated instance.

The list can go on for pages and most likely detail a dissociative incident on a weekly basis. These acts go well beyond the expected, but still deceitful, utterances of most Washington politicians. There is something pernicious about it. It falls into the same category of conduct as his refusal to authorize the release of his birth records even though they established his status as a natural born citizen. His refusal to allow the transcript of his college years to validate his claimed intelligence. His refusal to allow the transcripts from his Harvard years to explain why he is the only Law Review Editor in the history of Harvard to have failed to publish a law review article.

All of it is heightened by his own self-described brilliance despite repeated shortcomings and mistakes in the very fields he boasts of supremacy:

“I think I could probably do every job on the campaign better that the people I’ll hire to do it.” (From David Plouffe’s The Audacity to Win)

“I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. . . I think I’m a better speech writer than my speechwriters.” (From a New Yorker article by Ryan Lizza)

I cannot explain the conduct. I just know that it leaves one wary. It is the equivalent of trying to see up a dark alley and feeling danger without knowing for sure that it exists.

In the end we will have to await the judgment of history on the character of Mr. Obama. My guess is that is will not be complimentary.


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