Press Release: Thousand of voter errors discovered

PRESS RELEASE from Hon. Jeff Kropf, Taxpayer Association Foundation of Oregon (Jason Williams), Oregonians for Immigration Reform (Jim Ludwig), and Ruth Bendl 12-6-07:

Serious errors in Oregon’s voter rolls uncovered

A coalition of citizens and citizen groups are drawing attention to several errors in Oregon’s Centralized Voter Registration System (CVRS):

(1) Over 5,000 voters with improbable and impossible voting ages
(2) Voters with false addresses
(3) a Dozen locations with as many 40-186 registered voters
(4) Voters being registered without showing any proof of ID

Spokesman and former lawmaker, Jeff Kropf, commented “We discovered some discrepancies are now seeking an investigation by the US Attorney, Secretary of State and State Legislature to take action immediately to investigate and remove errors before the 2008 primary.”

Jason Williams of the Taxpayer Association Foundation of Oregon further stated “We hope these examples open the door to a wider investigation so that voters know for certain that our election rolls are correct and reliable.”

The group noted that the creation of a single statewide voter database has now created opportunities to better discover and check for such errors.

(1) Voters with improbable and impossible voting ages:
There were discovered over 5,000 voters over the age of 100 — with some voters over 200 years old (Exhibit 2,3,4,5,6). Confirmation visits were made to some of these voters’ addresses and we affirmed that the ages were incorrect. Exhibit #5 shows over 30 voters shown with the same birthdates of 11/11/1111. There are over 2,000 voters with birthdates of 11/11/1111. Voter age data is critical voter information that is used to distinguish voters who have the same name. Furthermore, a voter who moved and received an incorrect 11/11/1111 age designation on their new location may now be mistakenly registered twice (as two separate individuals) and receiving ballots at both locations. Not immediately correcting date errors makes it harder to identify and weed out mistaken duplicate ballots. A large volume of high-age voters may indicate that Oregon is not properly reviewing and removing deceased voters.

(2) Voters with false addresses:
Highlighted are Two voters who had incorrect residence addresses at Kiezer City Hall where they also picked up their ballots. Allowing voters to claim a government building as a voter address is an abuse of the system and makes it extremely vulnerable to fraud. The third example is a Hillsboro voter who claimed an address which was not his own. (See Exhibit 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12).

(3) Voter addresses with 50-186 voters residing:
Some of these locations were college campuses and homeless shelters with one being a small spiritual/yoga center that housed 42 voters. It is expected that such institutions would house many voters, but the situation raises alarming red flags on how often these places help notify the state that the ballots they are receiving are being incorrectly mailed to their location. A second question arises on how involved Oregon is at monitoring and cleaning up outdated voters from locations with high populations of voters. Only the Portland area high-volume voter locations were investigated. (See exhibit 16)

(4) Voters being registered without showing any ID
Voters are required to show proof of identification when registering to vote or re-registering from a new location (see exhibit 19, 20, 21). The ID requirement is designed to show some evidence that the person is who they say they are. Communication with the Marion County Elections office revealed that some voters who never showed ID were allowed to vote and had any record of their not proving ID erased which made them eligible to vote in all future elections (Exhibit 23). Voters who do not show ID should not be allowed to vote, nor have their record noting they have not shown ID erased.

What we are asking for:
An investigation and audit by the US Attorney, Secretary of State and State Legislature into the areas we have uncovered (age data, false addresses, high-volume voter locations and proof of ID safeguards) and to conduct a more comprehensive review of election errors to fully verify that our election system is correct and credible.

