Change: The Only Constant

By Nancy Wheaton

Starting with the beginnings of life on earth, change has been a constant and mysterious catalyst for growth. We humans would not exist if it weren’t for change. The comforts we are privileged to enjoy are results of the quest to make a change for the better. Science and the study of historical patterns can benefit the well-being of humans in myriad ways. The science of agriculture allowed our early ancestors to feed more people without the necessity of a nomadic lifestyle–change that encouraged the growth of culture and community.

We humans embrace the idea of control over our environment. Yes, we can predict with varying degrees of success certain events. For example, Mt. St. Helens was predicted to erupt and did so, yet we could not stop it. We know that our climate is changing. We also know from scientific data that our climate has always changed.

The human ability to see and record change can help us prepare for the future. Conservation of natural resources and innovative new ways to live lightly on our planet are positive moves. Forcing the adherence to manmade laws under the guise of saving our planet is a negative move. Force will be met with resistance. Unbiased scientific research and the willingness to give humans the freedom to adapt to change creatively are the valuable tools needed to live in our constantly changing world.

Nancy Wheaton is Media Relations Director at Cascade Policy Institute, Oregon’s free market think tank.
