Only 12% of Idahoans Polled Would Choose a Public School for Their Children

The Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice just released a poll of 1,000 likely voters in Idaho. If they “could select any type of school,” a whopping 12% would choose a “regular public school,” little more than half the number who would choose homeschooling (21%). Private schools were most popular, at 39%, followed by charter schools (25%).

According to the Friedman Foundation, only 4% of those polled ages 36-55“”an age group likely to have K-through-12-aged children””responded that they would choose a public school. (67% of all poll participants were indeed parents or guardians of school-aged children.)

Additionally, 47% of those polled rated Idaho’s public school system as “poor” or “fair.” 21% more were “undecided.”

59% named either “academic quality” or “school curriculum” as the reason for their school preference. Clearly, our neighbors to the east aren’t satisfied with the “education” in “public education.” The vast majority of Idahoans would rather choose other options before public schools.

The question for us is, would Oregonians answer differently if given the opportunity?

Kathryn Hickok is Publications Director, Development Coordinator, and Director of the Children’s Scholarship Fund-Portland at Cascade Policy Institute, Oregon’s premier free market think tank.
