Rep. Andy Olson: Lawsuit threatens law over children and pornography

Press Release From Rep. Andy Olson’s office:Rep. Olson Chief-Sponsored Bipartisan Bill in 2007

SALEM — Rep. Andy Olson (R-Albany) today criticized a lawsuit aimed at overturning 2007 legislation that made it a crime to furnish sexually-explicit material to children. Planned Parenthood, the ACLU and a Portland bookstore announced they’re challenging House Bill 2843, a bipartisan bill that targets sexual predators. The bill passed 57-2 in the House and 28-1 in the Senate.

“HB 2843 makes it a crime to intentionally provide sexually explicit pornography to children under 13,” said Rep. Olson, a retired Oregon State Police member. “This law was carefully written to respect Oregonians’ First Amendment rights. It is clearly targeted at individuals who use pornography to lure and harm Oregon’s kids.”

HB 2843 is the product of a bipartisan, bicameral coalition to address problems related to pornography and children, and the luring of minors for sexual conduct and activity. The law includes several affirmative defenses, including instances where providing the material serves an educational purpose.

“This lawsuit is a misguided attempt to reverse gains the Legislature has made in protecting children,” Rep. Olson said. “No adult, and no bookstore, should be in the business of providing kids with the kind of content that is specifically listed in this law.”

