Time for your prognostications

We are down to the wire. Only four more days until we find out if Oregon will put Obama over the top in his bid for the White House, if it is Merkley or Novick who will face Gordon Smith in November, whether Mannix or Erickson remain standing in CD 5, and if it will be Kate Brown or Rick Metsger who get the Democrat nod to be Secretary of Gerrymandering. But those races are all too much fun to talk about. The media has been covering them for weeks.

What about the races that they aren’t talking about? Let’s hear your thoughts.

Use this thread to make your prognostications and predictions on the following:

1.) Sam or Sho — runoff or does Sam start measuring for new drapes on Wednesday?
2.) Glad, Bunn or Wiedner (HD24) — who wins and does anyone break 40%?
3.) LaManna or Roberts — is the race for Clackamas County Sheriff heading to a runoff?
4.) Freeman or Fox — who wins and who has the most debt when they wake up on Wednesday?
5.) Wild card — make your bold prediction about a race we have not mentioned here.

Keep this one on topic. Stay focused and give us your picks!
