OIA’s Land-Use Forum this Saturday!

Each year, approximately 550 Oregonians attend the Land Use Forum, making it the largest property rights gathering of its kind in Oregon. For those interested in land use law, water rights, Measures 37 and 49, the current legislature, the Forum is for you. It is held thsi Saturday, March 14, 2009 at the Wilsonville Holiday Inn

The Education Center has planned a remarkable Forum this year. We will have panels on:
1) land use bills in the current legislative session,
2) the most recent updates on Measures 37 and 49,
3) a new panel on water law and the role that water law will play in future land use decisions, and
4) an update on all the latest court cases that impact property ownership.

For those who have attended our Forum in the past, you know how useful the information provided at the Forum can be. If you’ve never attended a Forum but own property, now is a good time to start.

As usual, the panels will consist of experts in the various topics covered from both the private and public sectors. The goal of the Forum is to provide information that you can use and answers to your many questions. That only occurs when you have legislators, government officials, and private sector representatives there to discuss the issues and answer questions.

Unlike rallies or other events, the Forum’s main goal is not to present one side of an issue. Instead, we want to give you information that you can use. At the same time, however, we will have a noontime motivational speaker to remind everyone of the importance of private property rights in our state and country, and each attendee will have a chance to meet other property owners, many of whom share the same concerns and have the same questions.

The cost of this year’s Forum is $40 per person, which includes lunch and a continental breakfast. Although the Holiday Inn is a big venue, the Forum has sold out in advance of the event for the past several years, so early registration is important.
