Status of Key Bills

Signed by Governor:
Public Works State Bonds paying $175 million in every county.
HB2157 Severs connection between state and federal tax code.
SB5552 Combines spending cuts with federal aid and state funds to eliminate projected $855M shortfall.
HB2436 Adds $15 fee onto filing of deeds.

Awaiting House Vote:
HB2184: Bottle Bill subjects additional containers to deposit.

Passed by Senate:
SB328 Qualifies Oregon for $90M more in federal funds for unemployment.
SB7 Surcharge on Oregon ratepayers for removal of four dams.
SB46 Requires all newly hired school employees to be fingerprinted.
SB47 Allows state to discipline student teachers.

Passed by House:
HB2062 Prohibits educators suspected of sexual misconduct from having direct, unsupervised contact with children.
HB2599 Requires school district policies on bullying .
HB2386 Allows online voter registration.

Pending in Committee:
SB80 Directs DEQ to prepare cap-and-trade system.
HB2186, SB528 Extends controls or ends field burning outright.
HB2229 State land-use law revisions.
HB2009 Raises provider taxes for state-supported health insurance coverage.
HB2726 Requres posting of caloric content of food items at chain restaurants.
HB2122 Raises cigarette tax from $.60 per pack for health care, plus 2.5 cents increase for special transportation. All other cigarette taxes raised 25%.
B2122 Raises the special transportation tax on cigarettes 7 cents per pack.
HB2461 Adds $49.61 to the current $2.60 per barrel beer tax.
HB2070, 2119 Increases corporate minimum tax.
HB2120 Raises gas tax and vehicle registration fees.
