House passes two big tax increases. Vote Scorecard!

Taxpayer Association Tax Result: Today the Democrat-led House approved an income tax hike (Hb 2649) and a business tax hike (HB 3405). Both bill votes and floor speech highlights listed below. It came mostly along party lines except Democrat Rep. Schaufler voted against both taxes and Republican Bob Jenson (Pendleton) voted FOR both taxes, and Republiucan Rep. Greg Smith voted just for the income tax hike.

On HB 2649 raises the income tax brackets on Oregonians who make over $125,000.

YES= 37, Barton (D),Bailey (D),Barker (D), Barnhart (D),Beyer (D),Boone (D),Buckley (D),Cannon (D), Clem (D), Cowan (D),Dembrow (D), Edwards-David (D),Edwards-Chris (D), Galizo (D), Garrett (D), Gelser (D), Greenlick (D), Harker (D), Holvey (D), Hunt (D), Jenson (R), Kahl (D), Komp(D), Kotek (D), Mathews (D), Nathanson (D), Nolan (D), Read (D), Riley (D), Roblan (D), Shields (D), Smith G.(R), Smith- J (D), Stiegler(D), Tomei (D), VanOrman(D), Witt (D).

Nays, 23–, Bentz(R), Berger(R), Bruun(R), Cameron(R), Esquivel(R), Freeman(R), Garrard(R), Gilliam(R), Gilman(R), Hanna(R), Huffman(R), Kennemer(R), Krieger(R), Maurer(R), Olson(R), Richardson(R), Sprenger (R), Schaufler (D), Thatcher(R), Thompson (R), Weidner(R), Whisnant(R), Wingard (R).

HB 3405-9 — Raises corporate minimum tax to $150 to $100,000.

YES= 36, Barton (D),Bailey (D),Barker (D), Barnhart (D),Beyer (D),Boone (D),Buckley (D),Cannon (D), Clem (D), Cowan (D),Dembrow (D), Edwards-David (D),Edwards-Chris (D), Galizo (D), Garrett (D), Gelser (D), Greenlick (D), Harker (D), Holvey (D), Hunt (D), Jenson (R), Kahl (D), Komp(D), Kotek (D), Mathews (D), Nathanson (D), Nolan (D), Read (D), Riley (D), Roblan (D), Shields (D), Smith- J (D), Stiegler(D), Tomei (D), VanOrman(D), Witt (D).

Nays, 23–, Bentz(R), Berger(R), Bruun(R), Cameron(R), Esquivel(R), Freeman(R), Garrard(R), Gilliam(R), Gilman(R), Hanna(R), Huffman(R), Kennemer(R), Krieger(R), Maurer(R), Olson(R), Richardson(R), Sprenger (R), Schaufler (D), Smith G.(R), Thatcher(R), Thompson (R), Weidner(R), Whisnant(R), Wingard (R).

On HB 2649 raises the income tax brackets on Oregonians who make over $125,000.

Rep. Rep. Peter Buckley gave a passionate defense of new taxes by saying “We have cut to where we can cut no more”. Apparently the near $2 billion increase in the all-funds budget (if no taxes were raised) constitutes a cut.

State Rep. Bruun said this tax would take Oregon from the third highest income tax bracket to become the #1 highest in the nation. He emphasized that if you want more income taxes — create more income, not more taxes. Bruun further stated that some 4% of Oregonians already pay 30% of the tax share and that how much is enough? 50%? 60%?

Rep. Chris Edwards said those households that are making $260,000 a year would not sacrifice “anything” under this tax. Edwards scolded high income earners for opposing the bill and trying to push other Oregonians down the ladder by refusing to accept a tax increase.

Rep. Gilliam chastised the Democrats for not adopting a single cost-saving idea from the two Republican budget proposals. “Not one!” he challenged.

Rep. Brian Clem said he was representing his district since 80% of the homes had a government employee or retiree living in it. Clem also said he has been waiting decades (yes he said decades) to vote for this tax hike bill to make the higher income earners pay their fair share. Clem is an inspiration to those in the younger generation who dream of spending most of their lives in the quest of taking other people’s money.

Rep. Bailey bellowed out that with this tax “Oregon was going to lead the nation!”. It was not clear in his speech what he meant for which Oregon was going to lead the nation, but he meant it. Finally, he said he looked forward to raiding the people’s kicker tax refund in the future.

In conclusion, the bill sponsor Rep. Barnhart countered the many Republican claims that somehow entrepreneurs, jobs, profit and business are the key to the economy. Barnhart redefined modern economics by saying that the true key to the economy really is “human capital”, for which he defined as a healthy and educated population. [To me, I have seen many places with lots of healthy educated people but exist in a horrible economy, like “¦Oregon!!! Oregon has the nation’s 2nd highest unemployment. I have yet to see a healthy economy that magically had no jobs or profit making industries.]

HB 3405-9 — Raises corporate minimum tax to $150 to $100,000.

Representative Tomei said that the business tax package was “just enough to get by” (so expect more taxes next session?).

State Rep. Thatcher used state economic numbers pointing to 5,000 expected jobs lost because of these new taxes.

State Representative Jim Thompson quoted a local truck businessman who said he was already paying $70,000 in new taxes just from the transportation bill passed last month, and now will be hit again with HB 3405.
