Update: DeFazio, Bruun, Schrader, Corniles, Wu, Rossi, Murray

Rasmussen reports
Senate Race: Dino Rossie beats Patty Murray
Dino Rossi – 49%
Patty Murray – 46%

Cook Report
– Moves Schrader-Bruun from “Lean Democrat” to “Toss-up” status
” …serious warning sign for Schrader is that he’s having trouble rising above the mid-40s in most internal polls…Bruun is well-positioned to pull even with Schrader by the time voters get their ballots, if he isn’t already. This race joins the Toss Up column”

Wall Street Journal
Defazio, Schrader, Bruun, Corniles and Wu get Wall Street Journal mention
“Rising sentiment against the party in power has washed ashore even in coastal Oregon, where Democratic Rep. Peter DeFazio won his 10th re-election two years ago with 82% of the vote.”I am having the same problem that Democrats are having across the country, which is ennui,” he said, noting that his opponent’s yard signs “are thick” across much of the district. Mr. DeFazio said he is facing the fight of his political life….A new survey by Democratic pollster Stanley Greenberg gives Republicans a six-point edge, 49% to 43%, when likely voters are asked which party they support in House races. That’s a margin pollsters generally believe foreshadows large gains….
n the Northwest, freshman Oregon Rep. Kurt Schrader is in a tight race with state Rep. Scott Bruun. To the north, in a district that includes Portland suburbs, six-term Democratic Rep. David Wu is under pressure from GOP sports consultant Rob Cornilles…Many Democrats are stunned that Mr. DeFazio has a race on his hands in a district that includes the liberal bastion of Eugene. Mr. DeFazio, facing a political newcomer, biochemist Art Robinson, says he isn’t surprised.It “is certainly not a district to be taken for granted,” he says, “especially not in an election year like this.”
