Photo shows virus impact on local stores

By NW Spotlight,

By most measures, Portland area stores are fully stocked and bustling with business.  Yet, within a few departments you can see signs of shortages occur. As the photo (taken Thursday 3/12/20) shows a shortage of certain milk and toilet paper products.   There was also a sign that instructed shoppers that flu-related products were limited to only 5 items per customer.  A very generous amount allowed but still limited.

For all the headlines and attention that Coronovirus has brought, the average grocery store and shopper have handled it pretty well at this point.

It is a different story for N95-version respirators (medical masks) online.  They appeared to have gone from a traditional $2 per unit to some selling as high as $30 per unit.

At this point, we should continue to remain calm, focused and making important self-sacrificial steps to reduce our risks of contracting the virus. A small increase in prevention can greatly decrease the spread.
