Gov. censors public. Holds secret school re-open meetings.

Taxpayers Association of Oregon

The Bend Bulletin has criticized Oregon Governor Kate Brown for hosting school reopening meeting behind closed doors where the public was not invited. Both the Bend Bulletin and The Oregonian have filed public records request to determine what was discussed.   The Bulletin states, ” there’s nothing stopping Brown from allowing the public to listen as the council considers options and information. She could make the council’s meetings public. Our governor just isn’t.”

Not only are parents and teachers being shut out of the process, but the process is purposefully being made in secret by a small handful of individuals.

This is a repeat of the earlier Spring education decisions over public charter schools and a repeat of the many transparency scandals Governor Kate Brown has had already.

Parents and teachers are not the enemy, not a problem, and not an obstacle to democracy or progress.  Their voices instead are the answer and solution to our communal COVID crisis.

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