NIKE stores become plywood fortresses due to riots

By Taxpayers Association of Oregon

Yesterday afternoon our team was driving down MLK Blvd. and noticed scores of busted windows from the night before.   This prompted a whole stretch of MLK Blvd. to board up in anticipation of another attack and also of the George Floyd verdict.

NIKE (photo above) on MLK was losings its big window face and being replaced with giant plywood barriers.

Across the street from NIKE a cannibus store also was going wall-to-wall plywood including the front door.

It was stunning to see how an entire mile of businesses were being refaced in a single night.

The NIKE store (downtown) was also turned into a wooden fortress.   NIKE, Oregon’s lone Fortune 500 company and often corporate face of Oregon looked troubled — which is a sad reflection of the riots.

Read our 6-month original reporting on the Portland riots here.

Then please consider supporting our journalism on this historic and violent time.

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