Nearly 30% Oregonians favor abolishing police

By Taxpayers Association of Oregon

Nearly a third of Oregonians favor abolishing police departments, with 45 percent of those under 30 endorsing the idea, according to a poll by the Oregon Values and Beliefs Center.

While 67 percent of the 1,400 people surveyed in June want to keep funding the police, the one-fringe concept has gained traction..

Those who favor abolishing police prefer funding social workers, drug counselors and mental health experts.

The survey also showed more people of color (34 percent) prefer abolition of police departments than whites (26 percent). More Democrats (36 percent) than Republicans (11 percent) favored the idea.

A slight majority (53 percent) supported cutting police department funding to pay for education, health, and social services, while 40 percent opposed it.

Nearly three-quarters (72 percent) supported a ban on chokeholds, with more college graduates (82 percent) supporting the ban than high school graduates (63 percent). Forty-four percent want a ban on police use of tear gas and crowd-control munitions, but 48 percent opposed it. More women than ban supported the ban.

About 63 percent of respondents supported bans on no-knock warrants, and the same number supported letting people sue police officers in civil court for excessive damages.

This poll results reflects an extremely disturbing liberal trend that is having real world impact.  Since Portland defunded police by $12 million and 100 positions, the city has seen near record breaking crime rates and a 60% increase in homicide.

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