Fox News, Sen. Knopp on early release serial killer

By Oregon Campaign Watch,

Oregon made national Fox News for their serial killer being tied to a man released early by then Oregon Governor Kate Brown. Oregon Senate GOp Leader Tim Knopp was featured on the program.

The Senate Republican Caucus issued this release,

“The deadly consequences of Oregon Democrats’ soft-on-crime agenda has reached nationwide attention as law enforcement suspects a career criminal senselessly murdered four women in the Portland metro area. Yesterday, Senate Republican Leader Tim Knopp (R-Bend) appeared on Fox News’ The Ingraham Angle to discuss Democrats’ pathetic record of putting criminals over victims and calling it a ‘second chance’.“Oregonians shouldn’t have to die because Democrats followed a failed policy of letting criminals out of prison and giving them a second chance when their victims don’t get a second chance,” said Knopp.”
