Sen. Knopp files for re-election. Measure 113 allows it.

Senator Tim Knopp files for re-election at Secretary of State office in Salem
Oregon Senate Republican Leader Tim Knopp

Salem, OR – Senate Republican Leader Tim Knopp (R-Bend) files today for re-election to Sen-ate District 27, the seat he has held since 2012.

“The clear language of Measure 113 allows me to run one more time.” Knopp said. “Oregonians are fed up with the ‘tyranny of the majority’ over the past decades. Senate President Rob Wagner drove the 2023 session into the ditch. He led the Senate Majority in breaking the Sen-ate rules, breaking Oregon law and ignoring the Oregon Constitution. Wagner left Senate Re-publicans no choice but to stand for principle and rule of law. In response, Wagner in an arbitrary and capricious manner retaliated by assigning us unexcused absences. While senators continued to perform their duties of their offices at the Capitol, the denial of quorum brought this lawlessness to an end.”

The exact language of Measure 113 in the voters pamphlet was:

Amends Oregon Constitution to add language prescribing consequences for unexcused absences by legislators from floor sessions. Currently, Senators and Representatives may be ‘punished’ or, by the concurrence of two-thirds of the Senator’s or Representative’s chamber, ‘expelled’ for ‘disorderly behavior,’ but law does not define ‘disorderly behavior.’ Additionally, absent legislators may be ‘compelled’ to attend legislative floor sessions, but current law does not specify consequences for unexcused absences. Measure specifies that ‘disorderly behavior’ includes legislator’s failure to attend ten or more legislative floor sessions during a regular or special legislative session without permission or excuse. Under measure, legislator who engages in ‘disorderly behavior’ through unexcused absences is disqualified from serving as a Senator or Representative for the term following the end of the legislator’s current term.

Senator Knopp concluded, “Cities have failed to address homelessness and housing afford-ability across Oregon. Senate Republicans will be bringing these issues back to the 2024 session, since Senate Democrats failed to pass these needed changes in the 2023 session.”
