Worst recall in history. Union flop. (90% say no)

By Taxpayer Association of Oregon


The United Food and Commercial Workers Local 555 union tried to recall Eugene-area State Representative Paul Holvey.  They spent $300,000 on the recall and put unions on both sides of the recall.   Over 90% said “no” to the recall at the October 3, Special Election.

Despite Representative Holvey voting with the union most of the time, the union was angry over his support of a bill (HB 3183) that made it harder for marijuana shop workers to unionize.  Also, the union was mad over a 2019 cost-saving reform bill over the government pension system (PERS) — which by the way, proved to prophetic because this very week we learned that the state pension system grew by $8 billion in debt to now more than $28 billion in debt.  So it almost appears that the United Food and Commercial Workers Local 555 union hoped Oregon would be $30 billion in new government pension debt by now instead of the current $28 billion debt.   Who cares about bankrupting Oregon when you are the beneficiary?   This is tragic.

This has to be the worst recall result in modern Oregon election history for such a well-funded attack.

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