Off-duty pilot tries to crash plane, lands in PDX

By Taxpayers Association of Oregon

A flight that took off from Washington state bound for San Francisco was carrying an off-duty pilot who mid-flight tried to disable the plane from the cockpit.  He was subdued and handcuffed at the time.  The plane was diverted to Portland.   The off-duty pilot is now being charged with 80 counts of attempted murder for the number of people on the flight.

It occurred not far from Portland during the flight.

There is no mug-shot because Portland has reduced mugshots being public in light of the Portland riots where liberal activists demanded that their faces not be shown.

Was this terrorism?  It is just days after a Hamas leader called for worldwide acts of terrorism in response to the Israel conflict.   This at the time, put Portland police on high alert.

In 2016, 73 employees of the airlines/airports were not properly screened for ties to terrorism.  Six were flagged from Washington, where the plane took off from.  It doesn’t mean that they had ties to terrorism, but rather that they were un-screened and our vetting process was flawed.

The motives of the off-duty pilot are not known.  It could be mental illness.  It could be a personal matter.  Remember, in 2018 when a suicidal airline employee stole an empty plane from the airport.   This too was an Alaska Air/Horizon employee.  This too was in Washington.

Terrorism should be a chief investigation concern under our national alert.

The threat is over lone wolves who are responding to the Israel attack.  This is reason why it is more important than ever to tell the true story on the Israel attack. The false headline that Israel dropped a missile on a hospital and killed 500 people, turned out to be a lie fed to the media by Hamas.   It turned out to be their own rocket.  The damage from this false story was broadcast and felt worldwide.  The media is also failing to tell the whole story on the war such as Hamas killing Palestinians, their own people by using them as shields.  As the Wall Street Journal notes, “Hamas has ordered Gazans not to flee, and its leaders hide weapons in hospitals, schools and mosques.Israel built bomb shelters for its citizens. Hamas built a network of tunnels for its combatants but keeps its civilians above ground, where they can be used as human shields or casualties showcased on TV. It’s not too much to say that Hamas wants Palestinian casualties to stir an uprising on the West Bank and turn world opinion against the Jewish state.Yet the United Nations and others criticize Israel more than they do Hamas.”   Additionally, when Israel alerts Palestinian civilian cell-phones within a radius of a pending missile attack upon a military target of building that houses civilians, Hamas instructs residents within the building to ignore the cell-phone alert and explain that it is fake — thus sealing their own women and children to their deaths. Hamas has in their own 1988 charter a clause that calls for the destruction of Israel.

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