Protesters party crash Jill Biden PDX visit

By Taxpayers Association of Oregon

President Joe Biden’s wife, Jill Biden, made a quick Portland visit last Thursday to Lake Oswego for a fundraiser.

Protestors, not knowing her eventual location, take to the freeway bridges along I-84 and I-205 to intercept her motorcade.

One group put up a sign asking people to write-in uncommitted on the Oregon May Ballot for President.  In Michigan, 100,000 votes were made for “uncommitted”.   This turn-out was so large that it awarded them 2 delegate votes to the Democratic Convention this summer.

Another bridge had a Palestinian flag waver.

(There were many people protesting but not captured in the photos)

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler said of the on-going protest, “It’s going to be loud, it’s going to be aggressive, by the time it’s all done, I think we will all be very grateful.”

After Portland, Jill Biden visited Phoenix where audience members walked out in protest.  A bad reception for her message of offering free college for students.

While Jill Biden was protested in Portland and Phoenix, Joe Biden was protested in California.

President Joe Biden is watching himself being protested by both sides of the political spectrum.


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