PSU protesters block ambulance for downed officer

By Taxpayers Association of Oregon

The chief of Portland State University’s campus public safety department, Willie Halliburton, appeared to suffer a cardiac event on Thursday as several protestors created mayhem and rioted at Portland State University.  It is reported by journalist Andy Ngo that the same rioters that created violent encounters also blocked an ambulance to rescue Officer Halliburton.  Blocking ambulances is a common occurrence at the Portland riots where many ordinary civilians get attacked or injured and are unable to receive timely medical care.

KGW reports other details on the struggle “…a campus police officer reported that some officers had formed a line to act as a barrier for other officers, who were working to break the chains. [protester] Netto, the officer said, kept trying to push through the line.”Netto continued to fight with police until she was guided to the ground and placed in handcuffs,” the affidavit claims. “(One campus police officer) reported learning that Netto had kicked Chief Halliburton in the leg.”Another officer fell over while trying to take Netto into the lobby of the building, the affidavit says.While Netto did not identify herself to police, officers found her Oregon ID and reported that she is not a PSU student.Another protester arrested was Sarah Amani, aka Sarah Dean. One campus officer said that Amani was leaning on her when the protester struck the officer in the face with her hand, breaking the officer’s glasses. The officer reported that the strike left her with a headache “that lasted into the next day.”

