Sen. Bonham: What happened to $500K Democrat campaign investigation?

Will criminal charges be sought for the $500K of misreported campaign funds?

By State Senator Daniel Bonham,

Since progressives are on a kick lately for accountability of funds, it begs the question if our Oregon Department of Justice will ever open a criminal investigation of Democrats’ 2022 misreported donation.

A reminder — a year ago around this time, the DOJ announced they were reviewing a potential criminal investigation into the party’s failure to report a Las Vegas-based donor who gave $500,000 to the Democratic Party of Oregon under a false name.

Election officials with close ties to the Democratic Party tried to quietly handle the issue by prematurely announcing that no investigation was going to happen, while quietly making them pay a fine that was ambiguously reduced by over $20K.

While officials tried to distance themselves from this fine reduction and potential cover-up attempt, a request for a continued criminal investigation was sent to the Attorney General. Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum then recused herself from the criminal investigation — as the Democratic Party gave nearly $115,000 to her campaign fund since 2012, according to state campaign finance records.

An assistant attorney general representing the elections division wrote a legal memo stating the Democrat party “deprived the public of knowing who was contributing enormous sums of money to their party leading into a general election when election transparency is most pivotal for Oregon voters.”

Under Oregon law, it is a Class C felony to make or accept a campaign contribution under a false name. This month, we have heard many progressives state that “no one is above the law”.

Time will tell on this case if they truly mean it.

