Graphic maps out Israel-Hamas war

By Taxpayers Association of Oregon Foundation,

In light of Israel Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu’s, visit to Congress this week, we created this graphic to map out the Israel-Hamas conflict.

As the graphic shows, Israel is being attacked by forces within six different nations, all supplied by Iran.  It also shows some of the 120 attacks on American forces — also funded by Iran.  This very Iran is what President Biden awarded a $10 billion dollar sanction waiver just last March/November.  Biden has been lobbying Europe not to penalize Iran for violating their nuclear agreement and lobbying Israel to not retaliate against the Iran attack earlier this year.   At the same time, Biden has been excessively delaying military aid to Israel — the very aid passed by Congress and signed by Biden himself.

When it comes to war, you should really pick a side and not attempt to play all sides at once.

This all comes at great cost to taxpayers who are paying the bill.
