Sen. Bonham: After backlash, backtrack on non-citizen downpayment program

By Oregon State Senator Danial Bonham,

And Republican Senate Caucus Leader,

Recent controversy circulated around a program that was offering $30,000 of down payment assistance to non-citizens. The flier shown below explicitly states it is “only being offered to non-citizens”.

I joined my colleagues to immediately release a statement in opposition to this program, as it is highly offensive to our hardworking Oregonians. Our state is experiencing a housing crisis, our veterans are displaced, and our children are living at home longer than ever before.

I have no problem with people coming here to pursue the American dream. What I do have a problem with, are programs funded by our hard-earned tax money that we cannot afford and taxpayers do not support. If our politicians feel so strongly about this offering – create a non-profit their liberal donors can choose to fund.
While the program has since backtracked on its original marketing promotion to only non-citizens, it doesn’t change program guidelines allowing non-citizens to receive this funding over our Oregon residents.

We need to work on our process to a legal path to citizenship, not seek to exploit programming that cannot even support our current residents. We are the only country in the world who bends over backward for non-citizens on the backs of our own citizens.

Our residents deserve better. These extreme liberal policies are once again why everyday working Oregonians and Americans feel left behind. Please join me in my call to audit this program and redirect money to address our state’s growing housing crisis. Stay tuned.
