DeSpain TV ad sets record straight on abortion

Monique DeSpain’s New TV Ad Sets the Record Straight on Abortion
— DeSpain Repeats Consistent Opposition to Federal Abortion Ban, Support for IVF that Made Her Family Possible
Monique DeSpain campaign press release:


Eugene, OR In the face of repeated lies by Val Hoyle, today, Monique DeSpain launched her next campaign ad that sets the record straight (again) on Monique’s position on abortion and women’s healthcare. The new TV ad is running on broadcast and cable TV, OTT/disconnected cable, and Digital platforms. Two weeks ago, DeSpain blasted Hoyle’s use of a deceptively edited interview quote to lie to voters about Monique’s opposition to a national abortion ban.


“Corrupt career politician Val Hoyle’s abortion lies about me continue, and voters deserve the truth. Hoyle is under federal investigation for her pay-to-play scheme lies while everyday Oregonians are hurting – and she has made things worse for Oregonians with her support for our nation’s dangerous open border policies and other disastrous economic policies coming out of a broken Washington, D.C.,” said DeSpain.


“I have stated clearly from the very beginning of my campaign that I oppose a federal ban on abortion. I am a mother of twin sons, thanks to the miracle of IVF – of course, I fully support federal protections,” added DeSpain. “Unlike Val Hoyle, I’m not a corrupt career politician who survives from election to election on lies, corrupt donors, and cover-ups. I’m a political outsider, retired Air Force Colonel, and fighter for victims’ rights. I will be an independent voice for Oregon in Congress, speaking up for Oregon and defending the rights of and delivering public safety and an affordable economy for ALL Oregonians.“


The ad can be viewed here


DeSpain launched her first TV ad highlighting voters who have had enough of career politicians, a second TV Ad about an Oregon in trouble that Monique is ready to serve again, and more recently, an ad about bringing back a safer Oregon through bold leadership in Washington, D.C. In late July, DeSpain was named to the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) Young Guns Program, which recognizes a handful of the strongest Republican challenger campaigns in the country. This past May, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee moved Val Hoyle to its “Frontline” list of vulnerable incumbents, a powerful sign of Hoyle’s weakness versus the strong challenge being offered by GOP nominee DeSpain. DeSpain has challenged Hoyle to six debates in six counties in the 4th District, to which Hoyle has so far failed to agree.


Ad Transcript:


Monique DeSpain: Congress is broken, Oregonians are hurting, and politicians lying to you won’t solve our problems.

I’m Monique DeSpain. Here’s the truth. Val Hoyle is a career politician under federal investigation. I’m a retired Air Force Colonel, Military lawyer, and a mom.

I oppose a national abortion ban. IVF helped create my family. Of course, I support federal protections. I’m Monique DeSpain, and I approve this message because you deserve the truth.


Monique DeSpain is a retired U.S. Air Force Colonel, mother of twin boys, and public policy advocate who resides in Eugene, Oregon. She is the Republican nominee for Oregon’s 4th Congressional District, running to unseat incumbent Congresswoman Val Hoyle in 2024 and bring about a safer, more prosperous Oregon. Her campaign website is
