New Sec-of-State makes attacking Trump #1 goal

By Taxpayers Association of Oregon

The first notable thing the newly elected Secretary of State Tobias Read did was to hold a special closed door meeting with the State’s highest elected officials (Governor Tina Kotek, New Attorney General Dan Rayfield, Treasurer-elect Elizabeth Steiner, and Labor Commissioner Christina Stephenson).  The secret meeting was to discuss how to coordinate efforts to stop President Donald Trump and his actions in 2025.

The second big notable action by our new Secretary of State Tobias Read is to send out a campaign mailing (as seen above) attacking President Trump.  Since the Secretary of State is the State’s highest election official — shouldn’t Tobias Read be a little less partisan and extreme as he enters that office?

Maybe the State’s highest election official should be more concerned about the 50,000 Oregon voters who were registered without verifying that they are a U.S. Citizen.



Oregon’s prior Secretary of State was focused less on her job and on promoting marijuana — and she resigned in scandal.



Maybe the Secretary of State, who also runs the Audits division should be concerned about the rash of agency scandals.  See below:



Tobias Read should stop playing national politics and get busy to the work Oregonians hired him to do.


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