A Growing Threat to Democracy

Joe Biden – or rather the people who are pretending to be Joe Biden while he slips deeper everyday into cognitive decline – are busy doing their damnedest to block President-elect Donald Trump from exercising the full authority of the Office of the President. They are “withdrawing” land, including the land under the sea from any exploration for oil and gas to stop Mr. Trump from achieving energy independence. They are “granting” extended periods” to public employees so that they do not have to return to their offices during Mr. Trump’s tenure. They are granting COVID relief money to people who did not request it to keep Mr. Trump and Congress from re-purposing it. They are making massive grants to foreign nation to ensure that Mr. Trump cannot use the funds to implement his “America first” programs. Everywhere that the federal government spends money, adopts rules, or seeks to regulate commerce, Mr. Biden’s stooges are trying to lock down the very rules, standards and purposes (think WOKE malarkey) that caused people to flee the Democrat Party and vote for Mr. Trump.

Of course none of this is surprising if you have spent anytime over the past four years watching the excesses of a progressive “political elite” who are convinced that the average American does not know what is best for them—that life is so complex that only they know the true path to “saving” democracy by limiting the access to democracy to their fellow “political elites.” And while smugness prevails among them so does their willingness to trample on the very concepts of democracy. It is “rules for thee, but not for me” run amok. It is reminiscent of Animal Farm where the pigs in charge finally allowed that while all animals were equal, some (the ones in charge) are more equal than others. Who would have believed that the prophecy of George Orwell would find life in the progressive wing of the Democrat Party?

Democracy is rooted in the ability of citizens, through the electoral process, to change, or affirm, the course of governance on a regular basis. If they cannot – either directly or through the people that they elect – the foundations of democracy begin to crumble. This is a concept so deeply rooted in Western democratic governance that scholars have opined regularly. William Blackstone – the English jurist, justice and Tory politician noted best for his Commentaries on the Laws of England (See Wikipedia) opined:

Acts of parliament derogatory from the power of subsequent parliaments bind not.”

In less arcane prose it simply means that attempts of legislature to limit the authority of subsequent legislatures are not enforceable. In point of fact, only the Constitution can limit the authority of Congress to act. And more importantly only the people can alter the authority granted to the Congress. In the case of the President, only Congress can limit his authority to act and even that is limited by the Constitution.

But that is not the case here. This is a case not of Congress limiting the actions of a President but by a President seeking to limit the actions of a successor. (And if the truth be know in much of this it is just the whim and caprice of a staff knowing they can induce a signature from a president so addled by cognitive decline that he is incapable or uninterested in what they are doing.) Regardless, the Congressional authority that gave Mr. Biden’s administration the power to act, is the same authority the permits Mr. Trump to rescind such actions. Unless Congress changes that grant of authority, the political elites of Mr. Biden’s administration cannot limit the authority of Mr. Trump or any other future president. After all, if a President can be barred from acting by his predecessor, what it the sense of having an election. The threat to democracy is high, it Mr. Biden is permitted to continue with this type of conduct.

The sad thing about all of this is that it will take time to undo the mess that Mr. Biden and his political elites have undertaken. And not just time. The cost of litigation is high and in this instance the taxpayers will be paying for both the prosecution and the defense. Ultimately Mr. Biden and his allies will lose. But it gives rise to another record by Mr. Biden. Not only will history judge him to be the worst President to ever hold office, and the most corrupt, but likely the most destructive of the democratic process.

Mr. Biden is angry at his fellow Democrats for casting him aside, but he is taking his anger, meanness and lawlessness out on our citizens.
