Doug Bandow Tonight, Free Admission

“What Has Gone Wrong with the Republican Party
and How Conservatives Can Get Back
on the Reagan Track”

Wednesday, October 3 “¢ 6-8 p.m.
Free Admission “¢ $20.00 Dinner
Executive Club “¢ Portland Airport Shilo Inn

Shilo Inn Airport
(I-205 North to Airport Way Exit, East on Airport
Way through light, Shilo on North side of Street)

Doug Bandow began his political career as a Senior Policy Analyst in the 1980 Reagan for President campaign. He then served as a Special Assistant to President Reagan in the White House. As a Reaganite, Bandow wrote a controversial article in 2004 in which he argued that conservatives should not vote to reelect President Bush. The last line read, “Conservatives should choose principle over power.”

Come join Cascade Policy Institute and The Executive Club to hear Bandow’s latest thoughts on what has gone wrong with the Republican Party, and how conservatives can get back on the Reagan track.

Please feel free to bring guests or pass this
on to your family & friends
Lets pack the house.
