Dems leading GOP in Oregon ballot returns


by NW Spotlight

Democratic voters in Oregon are leading Republican voters in Oregon in turning in their ballots – both as a percentage and even more so in number of votes.

According to Oregon Secretary of State statewide numbers, 250,255 Democratic voters have returned their ballots compared to 166,103 Republican voters – through 10/30/2016. Democratic ballot returns represent 25.3% of the 987,396 eligible Democratic voters compared to 23.2% of the 715,181 eligible Republican voters.

Oregon voters not registered as Democrats or Republicans – mostly Nonaffiliated (NAV) voters – have returned even fewer ballots. Only 13% (112,271) of the 865,473 eligible small-i independents have returned their ballots. Small-i independents include NAV, Independent Party of Oregon, Libertarian, Pacific Green, etc.

That means that of the votes cast in Oregon through 10/30/2016, 47.3% were cast by Democrats, 31.4% by Republicans and 21.2% by small-i independents.

KOIN is reporting that Oregon early ballot returns are up this election: “Compared to the presidential election 4 years ago, 8 days before the election ballot returns are up about 1%, according to the Oregon Secretary of State’s office. So far, about 500,000 Oregon voters have turned in their ballots. That’s just over 20%.”

UPDATE 11/1/2016 5:30 PM: 


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UPDATE 11/5/2016 7:00 AM: 


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