Controversial cider pioneer closes down.

By Taxpayer Association of Oregon

UPDATED: A nationally and internationally heralded pioneer craft cider-maker, Rev. Nat’s Hard Cider, in Portland is closing down.  Their reason should be alarming.

The founder said, “After 12 great years, it’s time to move on. September will be our last month in business…The last few years has been hard on us with COVID closures, changing consumer preferences, the sputtering of craft beer overall, and the decline of Portland as a worldwide tourism destination.”

But there is more to the story. The Post Millennial reports that the business owner, Nat West, has been a hot bed of political extremism, “Please smash all my windows if it will be a step toward change,” West said in an Twitter (now X) post in April 2021, nearly a year after the deadly riots started in Portland. For more than 120 days straight in Portland, far-left extremists carried out acts of insurrection against the local and federal governments through firebombings, explosive attacks, looting, arson, gun violence and rampant property destruction.Nat West owns Reverend Nat’s Hard Cider in southeast Portland. The owner of Reverend Nat’s Hard Cider repeatedly expressed support for far-left political violence in Portland, Ore. In response to an individual criticizing rioters for smashing up the Oregon Historical Society in October 2020 at an Antifa direct action, West suggested the museum deserved it.”Just because you are doing a better job now than you’ve done in the past doesn’t exclude you from a little bit of reckoning. Doesn’t demand it either. But windows are windows,” West wrote.”

So it appears the business has shut down because of their toxic politics and also living in Oregon where local small businesses suffered more than most businesses during Covid because Oregon businesses were under shut-down and other restrictions for nearly a year longer than most other businesses in America.   Governor Kate Brown’s overkill rules came at a cost, destroyed dreams, closed businesses.

The “decline of Portland as a worldwide tourism destination” is a direct result of the politicians and District Attorney placating the rioters, de-funding police and effectively legalizing all sorts of crimes and drugs (something West appears to support).   In just a few short years, the entire world perception of Portland changed for the worse.


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