Lars Larson: The lies of DMV

Lars Larson
NW and national radio host,


President Trump often talks about the evil deep state in Washington D.C.

But deep state bureaucrats infest the state government right here in the Pacific Northwest.

Ballots go out in 2 weeks for the most consequential election of our lives.

Up until about two weeks AGO, more than a thousand illegal voters, that we know of, were slated to get one of those ballots in Oregon.

That’s when top officials in the state government, including the Secretary of State first learned of the problem.

We only found out today that Oregon’s DMV has known about the illegal voters for two months…back on August 1st, and just never bothered to tell their bosses or the public.

The deep state keeps its secrets from citizens.

We know why it happened. Five years ago, over the objections of two-thirds of voters, Oregon began giving driver’s licenses to illegals.

Then it began signing up all drivers to vote.

Tell me that was an accident, and I’ll tell you about the Easter Bunny.

Now, the DMV claims it’s fixed the whole problem…”nothing to see here folks”.

If they lied by omission two months ago, do you trust they’re telling you the truth today?
