Stop Kitzhaber Sept 30 Tax Attack


Kitzhaber announced his plans to call Oregon lawmakers into a Special Legislative Tax Session on Sept. 30th to raise nearly a quarter billion in new taxes!!!!

Kitzhaber also said at a town hall that we need to “put something on the ballot that either increases income tax, or statewide property tax or state sales tax.” (July 31, 2013, The Oregonian)

Two ways you can stop the Kitzhaber Sept 30th Tax Attack!

Step #1.

You can call your lawmaker toll-free at 1-800-332-2313 to oppose the Sept. 30th Tax Session (ask to speak to your State Representative).

Step #2.

Please make a $25.00 donation so we can alert 100,000 taxpayers through postcards, email & social media. For nearly 15 years the Taxpayer Association has been stopping tax increases across Oregon with our TAX ALERTS. Please make a $25.00 so we can stop Kitzhaber’s Sept 30th Tax Attack!

Click below to donate online:

Click below to donate online:

You can mail donations to:
Taxpayer Association of Oregon, P.O. Box 23573,Tigard, OR 97281

More information on Kitzhaber’s Tax Plans.

Kitzhaber’s “sales/income/property” tax plan could add $500 to 1,000 in higher taxes to your grocery bill or your property tax bill.

Why? Kitzhaber is desperate to help pay for the $14 billion bailout of the state government pension crisis.

A new statewide property tax would cripple seniors on fixed income & destroy middle class families who dream of owning a home. During our sluggish economy Oregon suffered the third worst foreclosure rate in the nation. Oregon homeowners are already over-taxed and face foreclosure. A new statewide property tax would be devastating.

A statewide sales tax would nickel & dime Oregonians into poverty & gives government a new powerful suction tool to extract money from taxpayers whenever they please. When governors from others states need more tax cash they just ramp up their sales tax rates or expand the sales tax to cover new things. Kitzhaber wants this power. Furthermore, Oregonians have rejected a sales tax nine times. Oregon’s bloated government machine already spends more than 33 other states (per-capita).

Politicians raise our taxes to bail out their reckless spending. Despite a 17% increase in the education budget, Kitzhaber still told a Hood River audience of tax hungry politicians that he needs more tax money by saying, “The way to change it is put something on the ballot that either increases income tax, or adds either a statewide property tax or state sales tax.”

Kitzhaber calls for September 30th Special Tax Session

Kitzhaber’s tax threat is very real. Kitzhaber publicly testified in favor of a 5% sales tax just 5 months ago. In 2010, he supported the Income Tax increase (Measure 66). Please donate $250, $100 or $50 right away before any of these become law.

Please donate today.

Click below to donate online:

Click below to donate online:

You can mail donations to:
Taxpayer Association of Oregon
P.O. Box 23573
Tigard, OR 97281