The Precinct Committee Person is the backbone of the Republican Party. They elect the Party leadership in each County and elect County Delegates who vote on the leadership of the Oregon Republican Party.


In many respects, you ARE the Republican Party within your neighborhood. You have been elected by the voters in your precinct to be their representative. You play a pivotal role in selecting and electing Republican candidates for a wide variety of responsible positions, ranging from United States Congress to city council to school board. You are the first and, in many ways, the most important link in the chain which makes up our representative form of government. This responsibility includes those elected positions classified as non-partisan.

The primary duties of a Precinct Committee Person are:

*Work with local, state and national Republican candidates to help them get elected.
*Represent the Republican voters in their neighborhood at your county Republican party meetings held a few times a year.

You will share the joy of victory and the agony of defeat. Most important, you will share the final sense of accomplishment that comes with electing good public officials and making government work effectively.


Please note that you must have been a registered Republican for 180 days prior to the March 11th to file as a Republican Precinct Committee Person.
Your name will appear on your May 2008 Primary election ballot, just like all the other Republicans running for other offices such as State Representative, State Senate, US Congress and US Senate.

Once you are elected you will receive notification from your County’s Election office of your election. You will then begin receiving meeting notices from your County Republican Party. You can attend these meeting and begin fully participating in setting Party policy and direction.
If you are unsure of your precinct number, check your precinct card, which should show your precinct number or call your local County Elections office. Most people file in their own precinct, but if there are already the maximum number of Precinct Committee People in your precinct (the maximum number varies by precinct) you can file in an adjacent one.

If you have any questions about becoming a Republican Precinct Committee Person or how to complete the filing form, please call the Oregon Republican Party at (503) 587-9233.
