Why Are University Faculties Overwhelmingly Liberal??

Join the Executive Club and Cascade Policy Institute this Wednesday to hear Dr. Matt Manweller present “A Heretic’s Voice From the Ivory Tower: Understanding the Liberal Bias in American Academia.”

Matt Manweller is a professor of political science at Central Washington University in Ellensburg.

Wednesday, May 7, 6-8 p.m. at the Portland Airport Shilo Inn
Free Admission, $20.00 for dinner

In his new book, A Heretic’s Voice From the Ivory Tower: Understanding the Liberal Bias in American Academia, Matt Manweller brings you a true “fish-out-of-water” narrative about the life and ideas of a conservative academic. University campuses have traditionally been the sanctuary of the left. But, every once in a while, a conservative slips through the cracks.

Dr. Manweller’s story takes you on a journey beginning with his days as a student at a liberal arts college and learning the ways of political correctness, followed by a five-year stint as the only Republican in his graduate school cohort, to being the only professor in the parking lot with a “Bush for President” bumper sticker on his car.

Manweller offers his insights on politics, economics, and foreign affairs from the perspective of a conservative academic perched in the ivory tower. Drawn from columns and editorials he has written over the years, he provides a conservative counterpoint to many of the debates that occupy the attention of American politics.

Humorous, controversial, and at times downright scary, Manweller gives you his opinions with double barrel force and a peek into a world most of us only see for four years of our life.

Dr. Mathew Manweller has spent 14 years walking the halls of academia, both as a student and teacher. He is currently a political science professor at Central Washington University in Ellensburg, Washington. He is the author of numerous books and articles on constitutional law, direct democracy, and judicial politics.

Cascade Policy Institute is Oregon’s free market think tank.
