Karl Rove Weekly Quote: Obama’s White House picks

Karl Rove wrote in the Wall Street Journal that Obama is doing what no president has done before, he is booting out budget and analysis staff from the space inhibited White House to make room for more political/policy people, and also creating many new “czars” that overlap with other cabinet members — creating a big conflict. Karl Rove states:

“As president he is the first occupant of the Oval Office to give his director of political affairs — who coordinates the president’s involvement with his party and other campaign related activities — an office in the West Wing….
Under Mr. Obama, the political director won’t be in the EEOB, where other presidents have placed him. He’ll occupy a West Wing office usually given to the head of presidential personnel. That’s a sign of the importance of politics for Team Obama. This is one of many of Mr. Obama’s changes to the management structure of the White House that will likely undermine his stated aims and create a more centralized and possibly incoherent policy process. Another first to have a West Wing office is the incoming secretary of Health and Human Services, Tom Daschle….”

“His appointment of czars to oversee technology, automotive and environmental policies underscores this belief because each new czar weakens cabinet and agency involvement in policy decisions. The White House has always had overlapping lines of authority, which creates a certain amount of conflict while everyone figures out who really has clout. But Mr. Obama has added to the confusion by making declarations that multiple people in his cabinet or on his staff have more authority and responsibility than their predecessors. In addition to creating a protracted power struggle within the West Wing, Mr. Obama’s management decisions may lead to more intrusive, larger government policies gaining traction. Why? Because left-leaning aides will be unimpeded by the White House’s budget director or cabinet secretaries as they push new policies. It is rumored that as many as 160 people will be in the West Wing under Mr. Obama. Under President George W. Bush there were about 60…”

— Want the whole story? Check out the Wall Street Journal
