Sen. Hansell appointed to Hanford cleanup board

Sen Bill Hansell_thb

Senator Bill Hansell

Salem, OR –Senator Bill Hansell (R-Athena) has received an appointment from Senate President Peter Courtney (D-Salem) to serve on the Oregon Hanford Cleanup Board.

“The cleanup of Hanford is an issue of deep concern for eastern Oregon and those who depend on the Columbia River,” said Hansell. “I am proud to serve on this watchdog board, and will work to ensure the safe removal of radioactive material from our region and to restore the health of our river.”

The Oregon Hanford Cleanup Board is a 20-member advisory group which includes ten citizen members, six state legislators, and representatives from the Governor’s Office, the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation, and two state agencies. The Board provides input to the United States Department of Energy (USDOE) and its regulators on the cleanup of Hanford and works to protect the Columbia River.

Sen. Hansell has been a campus minister, a rancher, a farmer and a county commissioner. He is a graduate of Athena Public Schools, the University of Oregon, and the Harvard University JFK School of Government.
