Keizer to spoil holidays with surprise cell phone tax

By Taxpayer Association of Oregon

This Monday, The Keizer City Council is proposing to raise taxes on your cell-phone without asking for your permission. The City is saying they need it to fund 911 services which is another way of saying that the politicians cannot find any money in their budget for protecting its citizens and therefore it must come out of a tax increase. Keizer feels the need to raises your taxes for something that several hundred other Oregon cities provide without a tax increase. We think it is terrible to raises taxes on citizens in the middle of our recession when we least can afford it. Cell-phone taxes are just a back-door tax increase for local governments to get more tax revenue by overtaxing small groups of taxpayers in hopes that no one notices. (Statesman Journal article here)

Please attend the Council Meeting this Monday
, please provide public testimony to let council members know that now is not the time to be raising taxes. Monday, November 15, 2010, 7:00 p.m. Robert L. Simon Council Chambers. 930 Chemawa Rd NE, Keizer, Oregon

(more information below)Email and Phone number of City Councilors

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Lore Christopher Mayor, (503) 393-7707
David McKane #1, (503) 851-5354
Brandon Smith #2, (971) 218-7102
Mark Caillier #3, (503) 393-9422
Cathy Clark #4, (503) 932-1731
Richard Walsh #5, (503) 304-4886
Jim Taylor #6 , (503) 304-8849
