Low turn-out = your vote counts more. No on 101

Your vote counts more in Measure 101 fight

BY Taxpayer Association of Oregon

The Statesman Journal is reporting slightly lower voter turn-out in the January Special election over the $330 million tax on your health care.This means voter turn out is critical and your vote counts more in making the difference. The lower vote turn-out means the million dollar scare campaign by the pro-tax lobby (yes on Measure 101) may not be working to motivate people through fear.

Please send in your ballots and vote No on Measure 101. Make sure your family and friends send in their ballots.

  • You cannot make health care more affordable by taxing it.
  • It is unfair that larger companies and unions are exempt from this health care tax while smaller family businesses are not

The Oregonian Editorial Board recommend a No-Vote on Measure 101 Health Care Tax.

“By itself, the structure of the tax offers numerous reasons to reject Measure 101. The well-documented dysfunction, mismanagement, misspending and secrecy that has dogged the Oregon Health Authority’s oversight of the Oregon Medicaid program only gives added fuel. 

Under Kitzhaber, Oregon smartly and courageously committed to a health care experiment that sought to broaden coverage, promote preventive care and decrease the cost of health care. The state enthusiastically embraced the concept of expanding its Medicaid population under the Affordable Care Act and has continued to champion an ethic of coverage for all.

Oregon – its leaders, residents and taxpayers – believe in the necessity and importance of a health care safety net for the state’s most vulnerable people. Voters should reject Measure 101 and tell legislators and Gov. Brown to come back with a funding plan that reflects that shared value.”

You can read more at Stop Health Care Taxes.com
