They admit carbon tax will destroy jobs

By Taxpayer Association of Oregon

As the Oregonian reports, Governor Kate Brown, Senate President Peter Courtney and House Speaker Tina Kotek have committed to passing some form of carbon tax in 2019. The previous form has been a $700 million carbon tax plan that would hit Oregon hard.

The bill’s promoters even admit that the carbon tax will cost jobs.

Here is what Rep. Mike Dembrow told KTVZ news in Bend last year;

“The aim is to reduce the carbon emissions cap each year, and help Oregon reach its goal of emissions that are 80 percent below 1990 levels by 2050. Sen. Michael Dembrow, a Democrat from Portland and one of the bill’s chief architects, said recent changes will ensure that rural Oregonians see the benefits of revenue generated by the program…But he acknowledged it could negatively affect some businesses, so the bill includes a fund for displaced workers.”

The carbon tax authors admit this tax will kill Oregon jobs. Their answer to lost jobs is to hand out welfare-style checks to people who have been laid off. Government would be taxing people out of a job and then using the same tax money to give it to the person who just lost their job. How is a policy built around destroying and subsidizing good government policy?

Oregonians should reject this job killing tax. The job you save may be your own.

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